Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Comparing services

 In the modern world, there are many sites for media storage. In this post, I want to compare three of them. Social media repositories are Internet services that allow you to store, classify, share digital photos, audio and video recordings, text files, presentations, and organize discussions of resources for free.πŸ’«

Runet users most often publish videos on the sites YouTube, RuTube,πŸ˜›

YouTube- has become the most popular video hosting service and the third site in the world by the number of visitors. The site presents both professionally shot films and clips, as well as amateur videos, including video blogs.Users can upload videos in several common formats, such as .mpeg and .avi. YouTube automatically converts them to Flash Video and makes them available for viewing online. 

I give it mark 5\5 πŸ‘

Rutube - is a Russian video hosting service that provides users with video storage, delivery and display services. It is the Russian equivalent of YouTube. A huge video portal where everything is available:Talent reviews, streams, challenges, and more:· All the most interesting things. A large selection of TV series, movies of all genres and years,Training and development, Travel and cooking.

I give it mark 4\5πŸ‘

Video Free service of the company, combining the hosting of custom videos and a search engine for them. Each registered user can add their own video clips. Video snippets can be embedded directly into the HTML code of any web page. You can comment and vote for other people's work, adjust the level of access, add videos to favorites, subscribe to your favorite authors and publish videos on your blog. Match for old people.

I give it mark 3\5πŸ‘Œ

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